Sage 100 Reconcile 1099 Vendor Amounts

Whenever you think about how to manage accounts, no doubt sage comes in the mind in the first place, although it is one of the most demanding and supportive software. Sage comes up frequently with new things, updates, versions, and many more things that keep users up to date in the market. Sage 100 Reconcile 1099 Vendor Amounts is one thing which sometimes which you should know how to process. Always make sure to perform the backup before performing any solution and if necessary you can take the help of Sage professionals.

ReConcileBooks gives you information regarding reconciliation 1099 vendor amount Sage 100 accounting so you will not face any Sage Error Code . Step by step information is given below.

Sage 100 Reconcile 1099 Vendor Amounts

Steps to reconcile 1099 vendor amount

To Sage 100 Reconcile 1099 Vendor Amounts you should use the payment history report

  1. Open the accounts payable>>Man>>Reports>>payment history reports
  2. Now you need to select the Vendor Number from the drop-down list
  3. You will see many criteria, select any one criteria
  • By Date – starting and ending date for 1099 applicable year
  • By period – period range and fiscal year for applicable 1099 year
  1. Now choose the Print 1099 Vendors(this field is available if 1099 reporting checkbox is selected in A/P options
  2. Run 1099 for any specific vendor or all vendors by using the Selection field
  3. Click on print or preview

Payment history is by recorded for each vendor of 1099 still you should produce and retain supporting reports or documents which include 1099 payment information for auditing. Before printing 1099 forms keep remembering that if you have invoices for full calendar year then print the accounts payable trial balance report for the invoices paid and print 1099 information for the calendar year. Also Sage 100 Support number can help you for doing this .

If you want you can fill the report to assist 1099 forms to send to vendors and if you don’t retain the paid invoices for the complete calendar year then its time to print the Accounts Payable Trial Balance report before closing each month. On the accounts payable trial balance report, print paid invoices, and 1099 information. For each month you can fill the report to help the 1099 forms which are sent to vendors at the end of the year.

if the history of payment gives you a different amount as compare to 1099 e Filing and reporting, then you need to check the history report to check all manual checks, electronic payments checks, make sure that reversals are properly mentioned, and posted to the correct fiscal year. If the check date is posted to the wrong year, the reversal should be done on the right check date. If the payment history and check history report are correct then vendor 1099 is also correct.

Correction 1099 Vendor Payments Amount In Sage

Correct the vendor 1099 amount

If you need to correct the vendor 1099 amount just follow the below steps:

  1. Go and open modules, accounts payable, main, vendor maintenance
  2. enter a vendor in the vendor no field
  3. Click on an additional tab
  4. click on 1099 history
  5. choose 1099 form type and calendar year
  6. correct the details as if required
  7. Now click ok and accept

Help for Sage 100 Reconcile 1099 Vendor Amounts Error

Simply dial +1347-967-4079 and get in touch with the sage professionals, the sage team is available 24*7 to assist you. ReConcileBooks is a one-stop-shop for all your needs. You can also email at ReConcileBooks support team, and soon one expert gets in touch with you. The Sage 100 Chat team is polite, quick issues resolver, properly trained, and having massive experience in the same domain which makes then more perfect in solving sage issues. Just get in touch with the expert and manage your business without any hassle.

