QuickBooks Payroll Liabilities Report Balance

Items Appears in QuickBooks Payroll Liabilities Report Balances?

The QuickBooks Payroll liabilities report balance originates from the accretion of aggregates documented by payroll items on a number of transactions. These payroll items primarily encompass taxes, employee deductions, and enterprise contributions that have been apportioned to liability financial records. In this article, we shall be putting our heads together to understand how one can determine the prime cause of balance in QuickBooks Payroll liabilities report.

Prime reasons that result in balances in the payroll liability balance report.

The root cause behind the appearance of balances in the QB payroll liabilities report could be that you have generated payroll and already have balances in the payroll liability report.

Did you check what should user have to do in case QuickBooks Payroll Liabilities Not Showing.

Data to Be Included in Liability Report QuickBooks Payroll

Why dates play a critical role in liability report?

Dates undoubtedly play a crucial role when it comes to deduce whether transactions will be counted in a liability report or not. For specific record types, the transaction date is mentioned to deduce if a transaction will be displayed in a liability report, whereas on others, the last date of the period that was in effect will be mentioned.

Important note: If you feel confused at any point or want to seek assistance to understand payroll liability you can call ReConcileBooks experts on QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Number for further assistance.

You may have to either grow or taper your date series of the report to deduce the origin of the balance.

For the following instances, a report dated 5/1/2018 through 7/30/2018 will include:

  • Paychecks– The transaction date is mentioned on the paychecks. You may have to include the paycheck bearing a date 5/1/2018 for the pay duration between 4/15 – 4/30/2018. Avoid including any paycheck bearing a date 8/1/2018 for the pay duration between 7/15 – 7/30/2018.
  • Employee year-to-date (YTD)-On these records you need to mention the transaction date which will be similar to the period ending date, so any record dated within the report series will be counted.
  • Payroll liability checks- The liability duration-ending date will be mentioned. A liability check dated 8/15/2018 that compensated for a time ending 7/30/2015 will be incorporated in the report. A liability check bearing a date 5/15/2018 that compensated for a time ending 4/30/2018 will not be counted.
  • Preceding disbursements-The liability time ending date need to be mentioned here. A preceding disbursement bearing a date 8/15/2018 that compensated for a time ending 7/30/2018 will be mentioned in the report. A preceding disbursement bearing a date 5/15/2018 that compensated for a time ending 4/30/2018 will not be counted.
  • Liability amendments-The effective date of the amendments will be mentioned. A liability correction bearing a date 8/15/2018 that compensated for a time ending 7/30/2018 will be mentioned in the report. A liability amendment bearing a date 5/15/2018 that paid for a time ending 4/30/2018 will not be counted.

User can also follow these steps for QuickBooks Payroll Liabilities Adjustment in a proper way without any error.

To determine how liabilities were compensated, you need to follow the given steps:

  1. Go to Vendors that you will find on the top bar menu, and then select Vendor Center.
  2. Try to find the liability Vendor as given in the list, do right-click on the vendor name, and select Vendor QuickReport from the menu.
  3. Modify the date range to include the month presenting the liability balance.
  4. Mention the category of payment below the Type column. If there is anything itemizednext to Liability Check, this clearly indicates that the liability was compensated erroneously.
  5. Compensate the liability accurately from the planned or tailored liability payments sections given in QuickBooks.
  6. Look for Set up and compensateplanned or tailored (ad hoc) liabilities for info in regards to how to generate liability disbursements in QB app.
  7. Find the wrong liability disbursement in the check record, and make the entry of the check number.
  8. Remove the wrong disbursement.
  9. In the record, modify the check number to the check number you just entered.
  10. Press on the Save & Close.
  11. Generate a Payroll Liability Report to confirm that the balance has been rectified.
  • To obtain access to this report, follow the given steps
    • Firstly, try to select Reports, and then look for Employees & Payroll and after that go to Payroll Liability Balances.
    • Click Customize Report and then modify the From and To dates to display the date range you want to see.

Get Help for Intuit QB Payroll Liabilities Report Issues & Problem

If still have queries related to the creation of negative paycheck or looking for assistance, then call our ReConcileBooks QuickBooks Support team at helpline number +1347-967-4079

